Alicja Wołyńczyk
Saxophone teacher in the Karol Szymanowski State School of Music in Warsaw, the Jozef Elsner State School of Music in Warsaw.
Alicja Wolynczyk-Raniszewska is a solo/chamber/orchestral musician, who collaborated with many musicians, groups and orchestras and composers, and is one of the most appreciated teacher in Poland.She was a soloist with Sinfonia Viva orchestra in National Philharmonic, l'Harmonie de Lambres (Lambres lez Douai, France), Intermezzo Chamber Orchestra and Academy of Music F.Chopin Wind Orchestra. She collaborated with European Saxophone Ensemble.
She cooperated with the finest Polish orchestras such as National Philharmonic, Sinfonia Varsovia, Sinfonia Iuventus, plays under Marc Minkowski, Antoni Wit, Janos Furst, Etienne Siebens, K. Penderecki and many others.
Solo, in duos, chamber groups, ensembles and orchestras, she has played in many European countries, performing recitals and playing at several music festivals, such as Warsaw Autumn (Poland), Musica Polonica Nova (Poland), Nowa Muzyka w Starym Ratuszu (Poland), Festival Franco-Polonais (France), La Folles Journee (France, Poland), Printemps Musical de l’Escaut (France), Musica Viva (Poland), etc. She also performed at World Saxophone Congresses (Slovenia 2006, France 2015) and II Polish Saxophone Congress (Warsaw 2018); on 30th year gala of saxophone class at Chopin University of Music (Warsaw 2011), in National Philharmonic as well as other philharmonics in Poland. Alicja Wolynczyk took part in other chamber and orchestras recordings, e.g. within orchestra: „Penderecki. Concertos for string instruments and orchestra” Sinfonia Iuventus, cond. K. Penderecki (DUX 2015), within saxophone quartet Joanna Turska „Suity Polskie” (Pro Musicae Artis 2011), etc.
She cooperated with Drama Theatre in Warsaw: played in “Tamming of a Screw” by Shakespeare, director: Krzysztof Warlikowski, music: Pawel Mykietyn (1999-2009)
Composers such as Ł. Godyla, A.M. Huszcza, A. Gronau, D. Przybylski, M. Łukaszewski have written pieces for her. She also premiered many other works in various projects. She was an originator of Lem's Triptiche composers-performers project, receiving NIMIT national grant for it. Together with Cornelia Hoegl, she runs the Austria meets Poland project for years (also granted). Her cooperation with classical accordionist Jaroslaw Galuszka has brought her the 1st prize and a special prize at the 43rd International Accordion Competition, Klingenthal (Germany) in the duos category. They cooperate still (Les Sons de l'air). She is also a laureate of some other competitions. She played in saxophone quartets (Academia SQ, SaxMisja, A4). She collaborated with many renowed musicans. She took part in many recordings. Her debut CD Saxophone Conversations, DUX received 5 stars in HiFi Magazine.
Since 2008, she has been teaching saxophone in music schools in Warsaw and her students have been laureates at competitions in Poland, France, Germany, the Czech Republic etc. over 80 times and received many scholarships. She received several awards for her pedagogical work (Ministry of Culture, CEA). She has organized saxophone workshops with European saxophonists (A. Padilla, J. v.d. Linden, P. Gusnar, C. Hoegl, M. Supera, M.Krenn), and the Pedagogical Saxophone Conference in Warsaw (2017). She was a lecturer of masterclasses and workshops in Poland, Lithuania, Slovenia and France. She was a chairman of the jury of Young Saxophonists Confrontations in Małopolski Festival im. A. Saxa (Poland). She was a member of jury during Alpen Sax Festival (chairman of lower category, Italy), Emona Festival, SaxmeetingGo (Slovenia), and many national competitions in Poland.
She gave a lecture on contemporary technics at UMFC as well as on interpretation for doctoral students (University of Music Frederic Chopin in Warsaw). Lately she prepared a vlog for students on YT - Saxomama, and a YT's vlog for composers about contemporary techniques.
She received her PhD in Chopin University of Music (Warsaw) in 2019 (prof. Pawel Gusnar class). Earlier, she completed her saxophone studies with distinction at Warsaw Academy of Music and MA studies at Warsaw University (Information Services and Librarianship). Perfected her skills during international masterclasses with renowned saxophonists, such as Arno Bornkamp, Vincent David, Claude Delangle, Jean-Yves Fourmeau, Jean-Denis Michat, Nobuya Sugawa, Lars Mlekush, Daniel Gauthier and many others. She received a scholarship from Polish Ministry of Culture and Socrates-Erasmus programme.
Alicja Wołyńczyk-Raniszewska plays on Buffet Senzo silver plated alto saxophone and JLV golden ligature.

Aleksander Kobus - trumpet, Maciej Tworek
DUX 2014

Saxophone Conversations
"Agnieszka Kopacka – piano
Alicja Wołyńczyk –saxophones
Bartosz Bednarczyk – piano
Dorota Samsel –saxophones
Szymon Nidzworski –tenor saxophone"
DUX 2014
Saxophone Conversations

Joanna Turska – Suity Polskie
"Grażyna Bacewicz – Łatwe duety na tematy ludowe :
Paweł Gusnar – soprano saxophone,
Alicja Wołyńczyk – alto saxophone,
Włodzimierz Spodymek – tenor saxophone,
Piotr Wysocki – baritone saxophone"
Pro Musicae Artis 2011
Joanna Turska – Suity Polskie

European Saxophone Ensemble
"Sopranino Saxophone - Miriam Dirr - Germany,
Soprano Saxophone - Cornelia Hoegl - Austria,
Soprano Saxophone - Alicja Wołyńczyk - Poland,
Alto Saxophone - Simon Sirec - Slovenia,
Alto/Baritone Saxophone - Zsófia Mészáros - Hungary,
Alto Saxophone - Ana Leite de Faria - Portugal,
Tenor Saxophone - Peter Cverle - Belgium,
Tenor Saxophone - Katerina Mountzeli - Greece,
Tenor Saxophone - Manuel Pramotton - Italy,
Baritone Saxophone - Menne Smallenbroek - The
Baritone/Alto Saxophone - Kenny Talkowski - Spain,
Bass Saxophone - François-Xavier Caillet - France."
A-SHAMS Records 2010
European Saxophone Ensemble

Krzysztof Penderecki – Te Deum, Hymne an den
heiligen Daniel, Polymorphia
"Orkiestra Symfoniczna I Chór Filharmonii Narodowej
Antoni Wit – Dyrygent
Izabela Kłosińska - Soprano
Agnieszka Rehlis - Mezzosoprano
Adam Zdunikowski - tenor
Piotr Nowacki - bas
Henryk Wojnarowski - choir director"
NAXOS 2007
Krzysztof Penderecki – Te Deum, Hymne an den
heiligen Daniel, Polymorphia

Preistrager des Wettbewerbs 2006
Institut fur Musikinstrumentenbau Zwota
Alicja Wołyńczyk - saxophone,
Jarosław Gałuszka – accordion
Choir Pueri et Puellae Cantant, conductor Piotr
Borowski saxophone quartet:
Paweł Gusnar - soprano saxophone,
Alicja Wołyńczyk – alto saxophone
Karol Soroka – tenor saxophone ,
Ryszard Borowski - baritone saxophone
Ed. Towarzystwo Muzyki Dawnej TRAZOM
Preistrager des Wettbewerbs 2006

Górecki symphonie n°3
"Ingrid Perruche - soprano
Sinfonia Varsovia, Alain Altinoglu - conductor"
4ART 2006
Górecki symphonie n°3

"Nowa Idea Fortepianu?
"ZPSM im.F.Chopin Orchestra
Sławek A.Wróblewski – conductor
soloists/orchestra members (4. i 2.):
Alina Mleczko – soprano saxophone
Alicja Wołyńczyk – alto saxophone
Joanna Król – tenor saxophone
Karol Gołowacz – baritone saxophone"
Polskie Radio S.A. 2001
"Nowa Idea Fortepianu?