Lenín Izaguirre
Professor of Clarinet at University of Costa Rica
Lenín Izaguirre is a Costa Rican clarinetist and saxophonist who graduated from the University of Costa Rica.
Ambassador of the country brand Essential Costa Rica.
Artist for Buffet Crampon clarinets, Julius Keilwerth saxophones and Vandoren Paris reeds.
He is the founder and producer of the International Clarinet Festival of Costa Rica and the "José Manuel Ugalde Quirós" International Clarinet Competition.
As a solo artist, he has performed in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, España, France, Panama, Mexico, Paraguay, Portugal, South Korea, Uruguay and Venezuela.
Izaguirre has taught a number of master classes at different international locations. These include Argentina (at the Juan Pedro Esnaola School of Music), Colombia (at the University of Manizales and during the second and third Regional Clarinet Conventions at Caldas, First International Clarinet Festival of Caldas), QuindiClarinete (Quindio, Colombia), Spain (Workshop at the Wind Simphony of Betanzos), France (Conservatory International Music Paris), Mexico (UNAM), Panama (at the National Music Institute), Paraguay ( at the Paraguayan National Symphony Orchestra), Portugal (at the Castelo De Paiva Ibero-American Clarinet Academy, The National Conservatory's Music School in Lisbon, and the Do Porto Conservatory of Music); as well as Uruguay (at the Vicente Ascone School of Music and the Montevideo SymphonyBand).
He studied clarinet at the Simón Bolívar Conservatory and at the Latin American Clarinet Academy, as well as at the IUDEM with professors Valdemar Rodríguez, Gorgias Sánchez, Orlando Pimentel, Henri Crespo, Edgar Pronio and Pablo Gil with an emphasis on jazz and academic music with a scholarship from FESNOJIV.
He currently works as a professor of the University of Costa Rica, Tres Ríos Municipal School of Music, Clarinetist of the Heredia Concert Band, founding member of the Costa Rican Clarinet Quartet and representative of Costa Rica before the International Clarinet Association.
Lenin Izaguirre 2023

Lenin Izaguirre 2022

Quisiera Decirte
Lenin Izaguirre 2018
Quisiera Decirte

Lenin Izaguirre 2015